
People around me looks quite strange. As I was walking back home yesterday, I've seen two 'normal' human engagements with the animals they own. I think humans are the only animals that own other animals to enjoy torturing them. Any other animal hunt their prey to own them completely to satisfy their appetite. Let me explain to you these two extreme normal engagements. They are not really extreme as we know that we are human beings and we do more extremes. The word extreme is used in the sense to express extreme emotions to them. Walking past the muddy and marshy narrow lane, past a couple of normal households towards our usual mess and nearby house, a scene of a man patting a dog was the first one. He was playing with it with a ball and feeding it. I've often seen my classmate putting watsapp status with a dog saying how much she loves it. I've noticed many of my friends and strangers trying to loose their stress on their pet dogs. Pet cats needs a different handling but that also a stress looser. Aren't they really using these animals. I'm not saying they are but they feed them and make them loyal. Is that love fake ? Do they really care for them or Is that a master-slave relation between them ? The second incident I witnessed that day says it's a master slave relation! Not that every person holds a master slave relation with their pets because people are extremely different. The second incident is that of 3 men bullying two Oxen who were resisting their attempts to enslave them. The 3 men were striving to tie a yoke locking the necks of both the oxen together to let the oxen carry the men. Quoting in another way the men were trying to cut the freedom of the oxen so that they act as "sayamees twins" ! in carrying the men. Human intellect wants to enslave other beings for their profit. On viewing this scene I doubt if the first scene is a tiny subset of the second in the context of a master slave relation. Pure love towards a being is unconditional, then why should the owner tie their dogs and cage them? not let their cats mingle with other cats and not train them to control their anger when interacting with other dogs and cats? If it sounds funny, yes it was. But human intellect can find a way to enlighten them if they want to. There are people who give their pets their own freedom and not "Use" them. In my opinion people who own cats can never enslave them because cats should be treated as queen otherwise they would not act like a pet. Master- slave relation to an extent will not affect them in reference to their attitude. Back to the topic, If that is not pure love, then comes "karuna" - the sympathy. Why should you really sympathize a stray dog who lives freely? In that case you need not teach them anything, they knows exactly how and where to eat, what to grab, how and when to fight etc. They knows better than you at certain times. Need not sympathize but just help them and consider their presence, give them your respect as they perceives and wants it. Just care them as normal. As humans grow into super intellects the faked love and that maybe the reason for a rising number of divorces and cheating and crimes in our society. Now a days people act like caring their pets more than their kids which is definitely weird to me. People care for animals unnecessarily that makes them abnormal and really weird. Pure love never makes anyone weird anytime. Because, thats where intellect fails and love begins.

Incident One:
Incident Two:
Men Looking Out For More To Use :

Sounds funny  :P
